Working with passionate, standout individuals inspires us to push boundaries, elevate our craft, and create something extraordinary together.


geoff hall


Geoff has over 20 years of experience building concrete and shotcrete skateparks all over the country. He fell in love with skateboarding at a very young age, even before his Dad bought him his first skateboard for his 8th birthday (1998). Geoff started building ramps out of what ever scrap wood he could find and was experimenting with concrete by 2003.

His passion for skateboarding and building concrete skate parks is stronger than ever. What Geoff finds most amazing and rewarding these days is holding his daughters hands while she rides her skateboard on the same concrete that he has so many memories on. Geoff is excited by the opportunity to build more skateparks in his home state and allowing him to spend more time with his family.

pierre hall


Pierre has over 20 years of experience designing and building concrete skateparks through-out Vermont. Born and raised in Warren, Vermont, he is an all around guy on the crew. Having him in the mix wherever he's needed is an asset to our team. With a lifelong aspiration to build skateparks, there have been other jobs along the way that have shaped his people skills and work ethic. Along with his background in the trades, Pierre has worked as a cook and tent setter on seasonal and full time basis'. With over 20 years of advocating, fundraising, designing and building the Warren Skatepark, this varied work background has all helped Pierre garner the skills to build to industry standards, and tackle any obstacle along the way.

erik coleman


Erik is a passionate skatepark builder with 15 years' experience learning the trade. Starting off volunteering on skatepark Projects in Ohio and Pennsylvania at just 17 years old Erik went home to western New York to do residential concrete to develop his skills as a builder until he had the opportunity in 2013 to start working for a professional skatepark company full time. Since then he went on to do parks all over the U.S.A. and a few internationally. He is currently studying architectural technology at a community college so he can design and build the best skateparks in the world and we are happy to have him on our team!

Nicholas Stockton


Hailing from Missouri, Nicholas, is a builder that has found a home in Vermont after being on the road building skateparks around the country for nine years. He has had opportunities to work with and learn from some of the best in the industry. Nick is an asset to the team at Catamount Skateparks, being a shotcrete nozzleman, talented welder, and having that skaters eye when cutting and blending free form shapes. He's one of the hardest workers we've had the pleasure to build with.

Ryan Sillaman


Ryan grew up in a rural town in North Carolina called Sanford with no skatepark within an hour radius. Have advocated for skateparks to be built since he started skateboarding. Ryan has now built parks for close to 10 years that stretch all the way from North Carolina to Texas and all the way up to the Canadian border. Skateboarding has always been there for Ryan and he believes every town deserves to have a safe place for every skater to practice and perfect their skill.

Jake Ferreira


Jake is a licensed landscape architect with a love for skateboarding and outdoor recreation. He has extensive experience planning and designing recreation facilities across the nation and brings a deep technical skill set to Catamount Skateparks, including site planning, recreation masterplanning, grading and drainage design, accesible design, conceptual design, and construction documention. Additionally, Jake brings extensive experience in creating high-level marketing and fundraising materials.